02 Sep 2021

We would like to thank all of our families for your support during this time. We realise that it can be difficult to maintain enthusiasm for learning-from-home. However, it is extremely important to follow these orders to give our communities the best possible chance of minimising the effects of COVID-19.
There has been a wonderful response with work packs delivered back to teachers. Staff are enjoying seeing what their students have been doing at home. A massive thank you to the families supervising their children at home. You are doing a great job!
This week we have experienced increasing numbers of students returning to school, despite the current stay-at-home orders. As student numbers increase this becomes increasingly difficult to manage as we are still restricted to having only 5 staff on site to provide supervision for these children- this 5 includes administration staff!
The school remains open for students of essential workers and those who cannot be supervised at home. If your child can be supervised at home, please keep them at home.
Thank you for your support.
PPS Staff