Parkes Public School

Quality Education for All

Telephone02 6862 1702

Tell Them From Me Survey

Tell Them From Me Survey

The Tell Them From Me Parent/Carer survey is NOW OPEN!

Have your say...

You’re invited to participate in the Tell Them From Me (TTFM) Partners in Learning survey designed for parents and carers. This is a chance for you to give your opinion on things that matter to you and our school.

Parents and carers are an essential and valued part of the Parkes Public School family. We will use your survey feedback and perspective to identify changes that could improve our school and inform school planning.

The online survey takes approximately 15 minutes to complete and is anonymous, confidential and voluntary. Your response will be very much appreciated. The survey is open until Friday 26 November.

Follow the link below on your computer, phone or tablet:

More information on the Partners in Learning survey go to the NSW Department of Educations’ TTFM website: